Monday, September 17, 2012


There is almost nothing more entrancing than a pot/container overflowing with blooms/edibles. Here are some great combinations of colour - I hope one day my pots will be as successful as these!

- Petunia's have never really been all that enticing to me, but I may just have had my mind changes, don't they look stunning! (Could not get this image to import at the proper rotation, sorry about that) -

- I love the mix of orange, magenta and purple, plus the site I've borrowed this image from has some great tips and advice ( -

- I just love pinks and purples! Make sure to include some trailing plants to add more dimension to your pot/container as they spill over the sides -

- different types of foliage mixed in with flowers can be just as stunning -

I am a firm believer that anything can be grown in pots and containers, and that you don't necessarily need huge containers for plants to flourish. See my last post with my pair of pansies - that pot would be approx 20cm diameter. 

What I have learnt and would strongly encourage, is make sure that whatever pot/container you use, you have a saucer for it - I (shamefully) thought pft to this, but sure enough, when the water drained straight through the pots, the plants weren't getting enough water (and the food in the water was being wasted)!

And boy do pot plants need their food - unless you give it to them, they don't get any nutrients once they've drained the soil of what it did have. I feed all my plants at least once a week with a soluble fertiliser, and perhaps every 1-2 months top up the pots with a bit of fresh compost. They sure seem to be loving it.

So give it a go! Now is the best time to plant spring blooms, so get going and do it! Just remember, pots and containers can sit on the ground, on shelving, or even hang!

Happy Potting. K. 

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